Break Time — Healing Potpourri

Break Time is a feature on TGE that explores how those in the music industry practice self-care. For this edition, we’re excited to welcome  Simi Sohota of Healing Potpourri. The band recently released a new album on Run for Cover Records.


How do you practice self-care, and what do you consider to be self-care? 

This is one of the hardest times I can think of in recent memory, for so many people, which is why it is so important to practice self-care. Self care is doing whatever you need to do to make it through the day. I’m admittedly not very good at this, and I think everyone could probably use some help with this. Sometimes I’ll just lay in bed all day, without the energy or willpower to get up. Sometimes I’ll get up and drink coffee and make myself food, brush my teeth and take a shower, call that a successful day and get back in bed. It’s hard, man. But in a lot of ways I’m lucky. I have the company of my wonderful girlfriend Ava and her dog Iggy. They are my inspiration to get up and out and take walks, be productive, work on projects, consume and create art. 

When you are taking that time for yourself, how do you truly enjoy it and soak that moment in? Do you turn off your phone or step away from electronics? 

I’m very bad at stepping away from electronics, like a lot of us I’m addicted to my phone, so it’s important to take that time. Lately, the best that I feel is when I’m laying in bed with headphones on while listening to music, so I’ve been doing that a lot. During the shutdown, the roads have been a lot emptier so I’ve been riding my bike more. It’s such a freeing feeling and a good way to exercise while getting outside.

Why do you think it’s beneficial to take the time for self-care? And why do you practice it? 

Right now it’s all-hands-on-deck for the movement. I strongly believe that we need to defund and demilitarize the police, that we need justice for victims of police brutality and state sanctioned murder, and we need to organize to end systemic racism. Getting out to marches, protesting, and trying to educate myself and others is hard but necessary work. I need to practice self-care so that I can continue to fight. It’s sort of like how on an airplane in the case of an emergency they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first so that you can help others.

What advice would you give on someone finding a self-care practice that works for them? 

Find something that energizes you, that gives you hope, clarity, joy, presence of mind. Something that rejuvenates you and allows you to be the best version of yourself. It’s a constant struggle and there’s no one right way to take care of yourself. You’ve got to try, otherwise you’ll burn out, and we need you! One thing I’ve been hearing from a lot of people is that they are feeling guilty for not being productive during this time. I need to take my own advice here, but---don’t feel guilty, don’t beat yourself up, this is hard, just do the best you can. 

How have you been managing, if you are, to take time for self-care during this year? And do you feel yourself turning towards it more? 

It's tough to find time, it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day. But you have to make time, set it aside to take care of yourself and address your needs, whatever they are. If it helps, set aside a half hour at the same time every day. I’ve definitely been turning towards it more now because I feel like we all need it now more than ever. Much love to you all.